Bedwetting and ADHD
Bed wetting in children can be frustrating for both the child and the childâs caregivers. And for children with ADHD, it can be all the more distressing. However, bed wetting in children is not as uncommon as we all believe. While there is no proven cause connecting bed wetting and ADHD, they are often linked due to the fact that both are caused due to a developmental delay.
Children with ADHD find it harder to recognise bodily cues and respond to them. They may be unable to identify the feeling of a full bladder enough to wake up in the middle of the night. Like ADHD, bedwetting can also have a genetic cause. Many children who wet the bed may have family members who have also been through a similar situation. Further, the developmental delay of the central nervous system also causes children with ADHD to be unable to fully relax while relieving themselves. This leads to them not completely emptying their bladder.
ADHD is also known to lead to certain symptoms that could bed wetting in children. Some of these symptoms include:
Deeper sleep: Children with ADHD tend to have a deeper sleep than other children, making waking up in the middle of the night an extremely difficult task.
Increased stress on the bladder: Children with ADHD are more active which can cause additional stress on the bladder. Certain ADHD prescriptions also act as stimulants that could lead to an overactive bladder.
Lack of impulse control: ADHD in children causes them to lack impulse control which would otherwise let them identify the feeling of a full bladder.
It is essential to understand that developmental delay cannot be controlled. Children who wet the bed should be comforted and made to understand that bedwetting is common and not something that they can be faulted for. To help assuage their embarrassment and ease their discomfort, caregivers can provide the support that bedwetting children need by helping them manage their bedwetting and getting professional help when needed.
Bedwetting Solutions for Children with ADHD
Bed wetting and ADHD can be addressed through professional help wherein parents can offer the support their children need with the guidance of a bedwetting expert . Practitioners specialising in bed wetting treatment can help parents and caregivers understand how they can encourage and support their children in dealing with bed wetting while helping the child overcome their feelings of guilt and discomfort. By doing so, the children are able to positively approach the situation while setting aside their embarrassment regarding their condition.
Further, bedwetting specialists also recommend products such as bed wetting alarms and pads that are proven to effectively treat bed wetting. These alarms work to wake up the child and their caregiver at the first sign of moisture on the bed wetting pad. Over time, the child may be able to wake up without the need for an alarm and pad.
Consult Our Specialist for Bed Wetting and ADHD at Happy Dry Nights
With over two decades of experience as a paediatrician, Dr Raj Khillan, the specialist at Happy Dry Nights, is well-equipped to help understand the needs of bed wetting children with ADHD. We understand the sensitivity of the issue and strive to create effective treatment programs for you. Through a consultation at Happy Dry Nights, you can enlist the help of our specialist and join the bed wetting program we provide to successfully treat bed wetting.