How to Stop Bed Wetting?
Bed wetting is a common occurrence among children. For a lot of parents, however, the possibility of bed wetting after the child has been potty trained can be exhausting. A large number of children over the age of 5 still wet the bed due to a number of reasons. Dealing with it delicately is important to help the child positively address the issue.
Taking certain steps to curb the instances of bed wetting and consulting a doctor can be very helpful in the long run.
For parents unsure of how to stop bed wetting in their children, here are some factors to keep in mind.
Ensure constant water intake throughout the day
Children who do not have a constant liquid intake throughout the day end up consuming a lot of water towards the end of the day. Make sure your child drinks adequate water all day, increasing the intake in the earlier part of the day and reducing it as night arrives. This can help reduce the instances of bed wetting since the liquid intake is almost none before bedtime.
While ensuring proper liquid intake, it is also crucial to avoid liquids that irritate the bladder. Sweeteners and artificial flavourings, caffeine, dyes, citrus juices are all factors that could lead to an irritated bladder.
Set Up a Consistent Bladder Routine
While thinking of how to stop bed wetting, parents must make it a point to set up a timed voiding schedule for the children. A consistent bladder routine will ensure that the children visit the toilet often on schedule with the last one being right before their bedtime.
By making it a habit for them to use the toilet often, they will become familiar with the routine over time which will help in reducing the instances of bed wetting further.
Speak to a Paediatrician or Bed Wetting Specialist
Although bed wetting is common, it is essential to address the issue in case of constant bed wetting in children over the age of 5. In some cases, there may also be certain underlying conditions causing the bed wetting that can be identified with the help of a doctor.
Keep Track of the Childrenâs Bowel Movements
Many children who wet the bed suffer from constipation, which may often be the cause of bed wetting. Being constipated can often keep children from completely emptying their bladder. Children are less likely to make this connection themselves and some may even shy away from mentioning their bowel movements to the parents. Make sure you keep track of their movements and let the doctor know so that it can be resolved while treating their bed wetting.
Consider the Use of Bed Wetting Pads and Alarms
A lot of doctors that help resolve bed wetting in children recommend the use of bed wetting alarms and pads. These help the child wake up as soon as their bladder is full and about to release, waking the child enough to go to the bathroom. Over time, the child is able to wake up when their bladder is full without the need for the bed wetting pad and alarm.
Be Encouraging
Being an encouraging parent who stays positive throughout is vital to keep your child from feeling embarrassed about the ordeal. Making bed wetting an issue will make the child in question feel scared and shameful. Help your child understand that bed wetting is common and something everyone goes through and overcomes with time. Encourage them about every progress and reassure them that it will get better.
At Happy Dry Nights, we provide you with the support and help needed in making the journey to bed wetting-free nights for your child a possibility. Dr Raj Khillan offers an obligation-free consultation that can help determine how we can help you with your childâs needs.